Member Profile

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Brewing Co APAC Ltd

Brewing Success

Leveraging on its extensive network and resources, Budweiser APAC is placing emphasis on social responsibility and sustainability to bring long-term value to the brand

Interview Date: 2024/03

Michelle International Transport Co Ltd.

Down to a Fine Art

With a strong reputation in the fine art logistics sector, Michelle International Transport Company Limited has been handling the precious cargo of auction houses and museums for over 45 years

Interview Date: 2024/02

Beijing Tong Ren Tang Fook Ming Tong Chinese Medical Center

Diversifying Chinese Medicine Services

Quality, safety and care for the community form the core of Fook Ming Tong’s values and vision

Interview Date: 2024/01

Cinese International Group Holdings Ltd

The Sky is the Limit

With a 40-year presence in Canada, Cinese International Group Holdings Ltd is capitalizing on the post-pandemic boom in the travel industry

Interview Date: 2023/12

Asia International School Limited

Pursuing Educational Excellence

Asia International School Limited draws from the 450-year heritage of Harrow School in the UK for its institutions in various locations, including Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area

Interview Date: 2023/11

Dale Carnegie Training

Transforming Learning Experiences

Dale Carnegie Training’s corporate programmes ensure that participants can apply what they learn in real-world situations, leading to meaningful performance

Interview Date: 2023/11

X Social Group Ltd

Delivering Digital Solutions

X Social Group provides specialized consulting services in Web 3.0 through innovative blockchain and retail technology applications

Interview Date: 2023/10

CLPe Solutions Ltd

Delivering Energy Solutions

CLPe offers innovative business models with end-to-end energy management, enabling companies to adopt sustainable low-carbon practices

Interview Date: 2023/09

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