Chairman's Message


The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce has been helping members strengthen their businesses for the past 162 years. Our members have the advantage of being a part of Hong Kong's leading and most dynamic business organization. Our mission is to ensure that Hong Kong remains a leader among the world’s most dynamic and competitive business and financial hubs.

In addition to promoting, representing and safeguarding the interests of the Hong Kong business community, we also provide members with business intelligence and opportunities. We help improve their networks of Hong Kong, Mainland Chinese and international business partners through a wide variety of channels and events. In short: we help our members connect and succeed.

If you are not yet a member, I would strongly urge you to get involved. By doing so, you will be better connected, and be in a better position to learn about and take advantage of new opportunities, and we will be in a better position to ensure policymakers take your interests into account. So start growing your business, your networks and your influence by joining HKGCC today.

Join us and discover why HKGCC membership has been a distinguishing feature of so many of Hong Kong's most successful companies since our foundation in 1861.

Agnes Sui Kuen Chan, BBS

Over the years, we have helped businesses overcome adversity and thrive locally, in Mainland China and internationally.

If you want to take advantage of our network,insights and services, contact us today.