Hong Kong National Security Legislation Corner

Date Title
2021/01/04Explainer: How the national security law changed Hong Kong – month 6
Hong Kong’s use of the security law to clamp down on dissent heightened in the final month of 2020.
2020/12/28民建聯調查:七成人指國安法落實後恢復秩序 促落實一警一攝錄機
2020/12/28國安立法 香江安瀾——“香港這一年”
2020/10/30Hong Kong national security law: more sanctions, criticism and charges mark legislation’s fourth month in force
Since Beijing imposed its sweeping national security law on Hong Kong, police have raided a newspaper, a top foreign judge critical of the law has resigned, and numerous activists have either fled or been arrested – including 12 people wanted on charges related to last year’s unrest who were intercepted at sea and detained in mainland China.
2020/10/21金管局新增國安法常見答問 英媒消息:被親北京人士指控者 銀行須查相關帳戶
2020/10/20Hong Kong banks told to report potential breaches of security law
Hong Kong-based banks have been told to report any transactions that they believe may violate the national security law, in new advice from the financial regulator.
2020/10/20What the national security law has done for Hong Kong
The enactment of the law has restored social stability and the freedoms that were suppressed by violent protesters
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