Hong Kong National Security Legislation Corner

Date Title
2020/10/19A Look Ahead at Operating in Hong Kong and China in Times of Uncertainty
Between the pandemic and Hong Kong’s new national security law, there is a lot of uncertainty for companies operating in Hong Kong and China.
2020/10/13National security law: when disruption equals ‘subversion’, what’s left for Hong Kong’s opposition legislators?
With Legco set to resume on Wednesday, pan-democrats are wondering whether protest tactics of the past could run afoul of the new law
2020/10/10National Security Law: The impact on Hong Kong’s activists
On June 30, 2020, authorities on the Chinese mainland passed a national security law for Hong Kong banning secession, subversion of state power, terrorism and collusion with foreign forces.
2020/10/08National security law: Hong Kong residents, protesters flock to Taiwan, but is it the right destination?
Growing number of Hongkongers have set their sights on the island in recent years. Many arrive lawfully but others have tried illegal means to get there
2020/10/07國安法「君臨天下」一百日 下個整肅對象將是誰?
2020/09/28China’s National Security: Endangering Hong Kong’s Rule of Law?
This event marks the publication of Chan and de Londras China’s National Security: Endangering Hong Kong’s Rule of Law? and places the book—written in 2019—into the context of events since its publication, including notably the passage of the Hong Kong National Security Law.
2020/09/09美學者拆解國安法決策過程 721衝擊中聯辦轉捩點暑假定立法 林鄭今年4月才知情
2020/09/079.6遊行.拆局|國安法後最大型示威 已沉寂「遊行潮」回湧?
2020/09/03Briefing Note - Hong Kong’s National Security Law
The NSL became law at 11 pm on 30 June 2020 on the Chief Executive signing the law's promulgation. The NSL is both a PRC national and Hong Kong regional law. By virtue of its insertion into Annex III of the Basic Law ("BL"), Article 18 of the BL1 was satisfied allowing the national parts of the law to apply within the HKSAR.
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