2021/02/03 | 鄧炳強:說國安法檢控率低言之尚早 實施7月拘97人控8人 稱罪行嚴重須仔細蒐證 《港區國安法》實施7個月,警方至今拘捕97人,8人被控。警務處長鄧炳強昨在年結記者會表示,在首要行動項目新增「維護國家安全」,強調會果斷執法。 |
2021/02/01 | 林鄭月娥稱港區國安法為定海神針 大灣區為融入國家發展最好切入點 特首林鄭月娥今日在論壇上指,去年是回歸以來的重要轉折點,是一國兩制行穩致遠新起點,其中港區國安法實施,是香港由亂向治的「定海定針」,直言經濟發展需要平穩安全的社會環境。 |
2021/01/22 | HKSAR Government strongly objects to European Parliament's resolution The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government strongly objected to the European Parliament's "resolution" of yesterday relating to Hong Kong, saying the "resolution" is biased, politically motivated and does not reflect the truth. |
2021/01/16 | HKSAR Government expresses utmost anger at so-called US sanctions imposed on six PRC and HKSAR government officials The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government sternly denounced the "coercive measures" taken by the United States (US) Department of State under the so-called "The President's Executive Order on Hong Kong Normalization" against six officials of the Central People's Government and the HKSAR Government. |
2021/01/01 | 林鄭月娥稱得悉將訂國安法 政府成立核心小組提供意見 行政長官林鄭月娥透露,當政府知道中央有意訂立香港國安法後,特區政府內部成立了核心小組,成員包括她本人,律政司司長及保安局局長,在國安法起草過程中給予好多意見,意見亦受到中央重視。 |
2020/12/12 | DoJ: Prosecutions made strictly in accordance with law In response to comments from some overseas politicians concerning a man who was charged under the Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, a spokesman for the Department of Justice (DoJ) reiterated that all prosecutions are carried out in strict accordance with the law. |
2020/12/09 | Carrie Lam: 'One Country, Two Systems' upholds Hong Kong's core values Carrie Lam said Wednesday that the core values underpinning the HKSAR's success, including people's rights and freedoms, the rule of law and judicial independence, will continue to be upheld under the principle of "One Country, Two Systems. |
2020/12/09 | CE assures international business community on "One Country, Two Systems" The Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (December 9) assured the international business community that the rule of law, judicial independence and people's rights and freedoms, the core values underpinning Hong Kong's success, will continue to be upheld under "One Country, Two Systems". |
2020/12/09 | Govt opposes US official's remarks The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government today strongly objected to the remarks made by a US official regarding the 12 absconders. |
2020/12/09 | 港特首向國際商界談國安法 強調恢復秩序 香港行政長官林鄭月娥近日透過華爾街日報舉辦的高峰會,在數百名國際商界人士前為港區國安法辯護,指國安法恢復了香港的法紀和秩序。 |