Some individuals possess a natural aptitude for presenting their perspective, whether addressing a large group of audience or participating in a smaller meeting. However, for many others, this is not the case. Factors such as personality, nerves, or inadequate technique can hinder individuals from effectively expressing themselves. Failing to communicate well can have detrimental consequences at both personal and organizational levels.
This workshop aims to equip participants with the principles and techniques necessary to speak persuasively. By adopting a storytelling approach, participants will learn how to captivate and retain audience attention, ensuring their message resonates long after the presentation.
Content: • Identify factors that can hinder individuals from effectively expressing themselves • Introduce a storytelling approach to captivate and retain audience's attention • Practical strategies to help participants stand out and make a lasting impact with their presentations
Learning Outcomes: • Leverage a structure that has been historically proven to help people retain your message • Tell the story - with clarity, brevity, and impact • Use appropriate and relevant analogies, metaphors, examples, and quotes • Apply visuals that leave a lasting impression, enhancing audience memories even further, without distracting or overshadowing the speaker • Stand out and make a lasting impact
Target Audience: Anyone who seeks to enhance the impact of their presentations |