
2017/08/03Hong Kong’s express rail link opponents risk derailing city’s link to the future
Stephen Ng says opposition to co-location plans for the high-speed rail link is short-sighted on several counts, and risks making the city a laughing stock of the world
2017/08/03兩檢不落實 高鐵失意義

2017/02/23At last, serious action on Hong Kong’s competitiveness, but shrinking workforce is a huge worry
Shirley Yuen welcomes tax measures announced in the budget and says the financial chief was right to resist the urge to dole out more treats
2016/07/26Labour Contracts Best Solution for Tackling Long Working Hours
The Standard Working Hours Committee’s (SWHC) second-stage consultation on standard working hours has just concluded, and the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce supports, in principle, the “big frame” approach. We believe this option would adequately address employers and employees’ concerns about working hours, overtime and compensation arrangements without resorting to legislation.
2016/07/21There will be no hunger for success among Hongkongers if all our lunches are free
Stephen Ng says a growing sense of entitlement is creeping into Hong Kong’s political discourse, and if left unchecked, it will damage our entrepreneurial economy
2015/12/14Competition Law Must Get the Balance on Enforcement Right
Businesses, especially small and medium-sized ones, need clear guidance on how the ordinance will affect them if it is to work to the benefit of all Hongkongers.
As the debate on how the Competition Ordinance should be applied and administered draws to a close, expect business angst to intensify after the roll-out of the ordinance on December 14, as the reality of achieving compliance begins to dawn on companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.
2015/10/02取消強積金「對沖」 中小企百上加斤
(Chinese only) 強制性公積金(強積金)成立目的,是要設立良好的退休儲蓄制度,僱主僱員同樣有供款責任。不過,近期再有要求,取消強積金僱主供款對沖遣散費或長期服務金,無疑要僱主承受雙重負擔,對僱主不公平,亦令中小企百上加斤。

2015/08/18Our success is founded on trust in market
Shirley Yuen says the chief executive's worrying call for an 'appropriately proactive' intervention by the government to steer growth ignores Hong Kong's legacy as a free economy
2014/09/30Above all, we must build a sustainable pension scheme for Hong Kong
2014/09/08Get balance right on competition rules or run risks
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