Hong Kong Hotels: Going Green <br/>香港酒店邁向綠色未來

Hong Kong Hotels: Going Green

With a growing number of hospitality brands in Hong Kong committed to sustainability, we take a look at the range of initiatives adopted by hotels leading the charge 

Key Takeaways from the Two Sessions<br/>全國兩會焦點

Key Takeaways from the Two Sessions

The Beijing meetings set out clear policies to rejuvenate China’s economy, as authorities take a proactive role in stimulating investment to bolster market sentiment


Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau’s (FSTB) Legislative Proposals to Regulate Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trading of Virtual Assets

The Chambers continues to express support for the Government’s efforts in developing a robust market for VA development in Hong Kong, thereby recommending that the development of the proposed licensing regime for over-the-counter VA trading services strikes a balance between facilitating the continued demand for VA trading opportunities amidst the rapidly evolving digital landscape, against the need to safeguard investor interests and preserve market integrity.
In its response, the Chamber also puts forward suggestions on the execution of the legislative proposals, in such aspects as the scope of services which would be permitted under the new licensing regime as well as the proposed supervisory scope.
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