Greater Bay Area Articles

Making Cross-Border Payments Seamless, GBA<br/>

Making Cross-Border Payments Seamless
Improved financial products aim to make cashless transactions more efficient in Hong Kong and across the GBA

Tapping the GBA’s Diversity, Michael Enright

Tapping the GBA’s Diversity
Complementary roles of Greater Bay Area cities will provide opportunities for Hong Kong

HKGCC Mission to Guangdong<br/>總商會廣東考察團<br/>

Mission to Guangdong
High-level delegation hears about the latest GBA developments from senior officials during visit to Shenzhen and Guangzhou

Smoothing the Path to Guangdong for Business<br/>鋪平廣東營商之路

Smoothing the Path to Guangdong for Business
Visit to Guangzhou and Shenzhen showed Chamber delegation the latest GBA developments

Breaking New Ground with the GBA<br/>大灣區開創新局面

Breaking New Ground with the GBA
Plans for Greater Bay Area show that Hong Kong has a key part to play in the nation’s development

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