Greater Bay Area Articles

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced plans to further develop Shenzhen into an international trade hub and talent centre during his speech on 14 October to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

Key Points of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Speech in Qianhai
Chinese President Xi Jinping announced plans to further develop Shenzhen into an international trade hub and talent centre during his speech on 14 October to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.

GBA Boom for Financial Services<br/>摩拳擦掌把握大灣區金融服務機遇

GBA Boom for Financial Services
Region's rapidly evolving financial landscape includes more cross-border investment opportunities

Banking Boost for GBA<br/>提振大灣區銀行業

Banking Boost for GBA
Further opening up of the financial services sector is creating new opportunities for Hong Kong investors

New Guidelines for GBA Financial Services<br/>

New Guidelines for GBA Financial Services
In May this year, the Central Government reaffirmed its commitment to the development of the GBA with the release of a new guideline for the financial services sector

Confidence Returns to the GBA  <br/>大灣區企業重拾信心

Confidence Returns to the GBA
Businesses expect a broad-based improvement in Q3 as Guangdong cities emerge from Covid lockdown, survey shows

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