Special Feature
Understanding WeChat Official Accounts
Understanding WeChat Official Accounts<br/>微信公眾號解讀

With more than 1 billion monthly active users, WeChat is China’s number one social media app and also the go-to digital platform for businesses to engage with Chinese customers. Some call it a super-app. Because, besides being a messaging application, WeChat also serves a myriad of functions ranging from electronic payments to restaurant reservations and even cab calling – all in the same app. Businesses have more opportunities than ever to engage with their target audience – but first, they must set up their own Official Account (OA).
Choosing the right type of OA
WeChat OAs are similar to Facebook pages, in that both are social accounts through which multimedia content can be disseminated to followers. One difference is that WeChat also provides various utilities such as e-payment (WeChat Pay) and web app (Mini Programs).

WeChat OAs can be divided into two major categories: Subscription Accounts and Service Accounts. The biggest distinction is the frequency with which messages can be published.

Subscription Account Service Account
Can broadcast up to eight individual messages daily. Has a quota of four broadcasts per month. However, up to eight messages can be blasted in each broadcast, resulting in 32 messages per month.

Based on broadcast frequency, many enterprises may favour the Subscription Account – after all, the more messages the better, right?
However, there are other features that are less noticeable, yet equally important. These include “QR Code Tracking” and “Message Broadcast by Group,” which are exclusive to the Service Account.

Each type of account has its own strengths – the Subscription Account is often preferred by media outlets where broadcast frequency is the highest priority, while the wide range of functions that the Service Account offers makes it appealing to many brands.

QR Code Tracking – Capable of tracking where fans come from when they scan a QR code in promotional materials. This helps businesses to measure traffic from different promotional channels, geographical locations and more.
Message Broadcast by Group – The WeChat OA administrator can tag followers into groups based on their demographics, and then broadcast personalized messages to each group.

WeChat OA registration is a virtually irreversible process – once registered, the type of account cannot be altered easily. So companies should consider seeking professional advice before deciding which type of account to open.

Focusing on two of WeChat’s most unique features – “Message Broadcast by Group” and “QR Code Tracking” – we will elaborate on how the platform breaks new ground.

Message Broadcast by Group – Bringing relevance to social conversations
Businesses increasingly want to establish WeChat OAs to reach audiences across the Asia Pacific, but face challenges with the different languages. In the example below are two real cases of different approaches that brands can take.

Brand B’s solution seems more conducive to a higher click-through rate, as it removes the added step for consumers of having to make a language selection every time.

Language is merely one of the elements that marketers can use to put followers into groups for a more personalized experience. Location, gender, membership status and consumption behaviour are just some of the possibilities.

Brand A
Broadcasts multiple articles at a time in different languages, allowing the reader to pick the article in their preferred language.
Brand B
A more personalized approach. Upon following the brand’s OA, followers are invited to enter specific keywords – TC for Traditional Chinese, SC for Simplified Chinese and EN for English.
Next, Brand B uses a third-party platform to automatically recognize the keywords and place tags on followers according to their language preferences. Subsequently, they utilize WeChat’s “Message Broadcast by Group” function to blast messages in the selected language to these groups.

QR Code Tracking – Introducing data transparency 
The powerful WeChat OA isn’t without its limitations – one of which is that its native platform can only provide aggregated data, meaning that traffic data cannot be tracked to the individual level. It goes without saying that data transparency is therefore highly sought after in the world of WeChat marketing, especially for businesses that wish to gain deeper insights into the impact of their marketing initiatives.

In this case, the QR code tracking function of WeChat’s Service Account is helpful. In China, QR codes have become an indispensable part of modern life, thanks to the popularity of WeChat. 

The parametric QR code, however, is a special type of QR code that acts as more than just a gateway. It records the identity of the person that scanned the code and also the time when scanning took place. It can track user behavior down to the individual level, without collecting intrusive personal information such as real name or phone number.

Data transparency is made possible through the implementation of parametric QR codes on WeChat, inserted in every business touch point – for example, when WeChat users start following an OA, visit an online store or register for an event.
This can be illustrated with a real example:

Agency B has just been engaged by a client to replace Agency A to manage a certain WeChat OA. Right after publishing its first message, Agency B notices that 108 people have unfollowed the client. A common misconception is to instantly find fault in Agency B. With the QR code tracking function, however, they can investigate further. What led to the following of these 108 users in the first place? With QR code tracking, Agency B is able to pinpoint the events.

As shown in the table below, 60 out of the 108 people that unfollowed had originally been drawn by a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) campaign organized by Agency A, while 35 of them were attracted by a giveaway campaign. This suggests that the quality of Agency B’s work may not be the sole reason, if at all, for the drop in followers. A careful analysis suggests that the level of brand loyalty and quality of fans attracted by Agency A or the client could be equally crucial in follower retention.

Date of following the OA No. of followers Remarks
3 Feb 2018 3  
25 May 2018 10 Moments ad placement 
1 June 2018 35 In-house event team conducted on-site giveaway
5 June 2018 60 KOL campaign organized by Agency A
TOTAL 108  

Machine Learning and Automation – The future for WeChat marketing
It is inevitable that different followers behave differently. Some are more willing to listen to your brand’s story, while the others are more attracted towards perks and giveaways. 

Many businesses are struggling to find better ways to identify different user groups on social media, and to devise dedicated marketing strategies. WeChat is leading the way in demographic segmentation and personalized user journey, as seen in the examples above.

But as followers grow and the amount of data accumulates, it becomes increasingly challenging for the human administrator to analyze and categorize each user. Moreover, as user behavior becomes more complex, the segmentation of followers will become more difficult. This is where tagging automation comes into play.

WeChat is already compatible with third-party tools that use machine learning algorithms to identity behaviour patterns. By simply setting a few conditions, the tool can automatically single out followers based on their behaviour, then place tags on them for further action. Tagging automation means marketers do not need to spend time processing complicated statistics and information.
Nowadays, businesses are not just looking for more followers on social media channels – they are also seeking relevant audiences that can be converted to loyal customers. Otherwise, no matter how big a social following is, it will remain just a number.

For companies that are eyeing the Greater China market, WeChat has made things easier. It can provide the basic infrastructure for marketers to perform segmentation of followers and create a personalized user experience, offering them countless possibilities to interact with their audience. As WeChat marketing automation has become a reality, we are excited about what will come next. 



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