Mailing Service

Mailing to all members (together with the Chamber's monthly Bulletin)

Using this mailing service, you will be contacting a completely representative cross section of economically active companies.

* Your material is dispatched together with the Chamber's Bulletin. Dispatch date is around the middle to end of each month.

Mailing Services Details

Member Rate
(HK$ / Label)
Non Member Rate
(HK$ / Label)
Mailing to all member
(Together with Chamber's Monthly Bulletin)
2.0 3.5

Additional Postage Fee Per Label

Material Weight Material Maximum Size Additional Postage
0g - 20g 165mm x 230mm HK$4.5
> 20g 165mm x 230mm Negotiable
* Postage will be added as specified by the Post Office. * Please send us the original material for final quotation. * Minimum order quantity : 3,000


Ms Cathy Chan
Tel: (852) 2823 1282
Over the years, we have helped businesses overcome adversity and thrive locally, in Mainland China and internationally.

If you want to take advantage of our network,insights and services, contact us today.