Built upon the foundation of more than 3,000 years of Chinese medical practices, Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is integral to Chinese culture. TCM involves the use of herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, qigong exercise and dietary therapy to maintain balance and harmony both physically and mentally.
According to Chinese medical theories, the human body is closely intertwined with the external environment, so each patient should be treated differently based on their age, gender and physique, as well as weather conditions and other considerations. There are four diagnosis methods in TCM, namely observation, auscultation, interrogation and palpation.
Hong Kong, TCM has long played a major role in the healthcare system. It has gained more recognition for its curative and remedial attributes in recent years, especially since the pandemic, as the Government stepped up the use of TCM by distributing medication recommended for treating mild symptoms of Covid-19.
As part of the industry, Beijing Tong Ren Tang Fook Ming Tong Chinese Medical Center (Fook Ming Tong) has emerged as one of the leading providers of quality TCM services and products. Established by a group of Chinese medicine professionals in 2004, Fook Ming Tong has charted steady growth over the years, with a network of six medical centres across Hong Kong.
“Our Chinese medicine practitioners are degree holders in relevant fields with extensive clinical experience,” said Stella Fung, Managing Director of Fook Ming Tong. “All of our practitioners are registered under the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Ordinance.”
The medical centre offers comprehensive Chinese medical services to patients, including medicine, gynaecology, dermatology, oncology, acupuncture, bone-setting, chiropractic and acupressure.
To stand out from the crowd, in addition to TCM services, Fook Ming Tong also features Tong Ren Tang’s products, which are free from chemical preservatives, heavy metals, plasticizers, artificial colouring, hormones, and other harmful additives.
“Customers’ health as well as beauty are our top priority,” said Fung. “For instance, our Mingji skincare products, which are available in six Fook Ming Tong centres and 21 Tong Ren Tang branches, are manufactured in a quality-controlled GMP facility in Hong Kong.”
Other key products have also passed various specialist tests, including micro-biological, hygienic chemical, heavy metal, toxicological risk and multi-stimulating skin tests, to ensure that they can be used with confidence and peace of mind.
Operational efficiency is another area of focus of Fook Ming Tong. The company has adopted a paperless system to streamline operations and enhance productivity. The company is also exploring collaboration opportunities with Tong Ren Tang to recruit experienced professionals and integrate artificial intelligence into their workflow.
to “serving the community with quality healthcare,” Fook Ming Tong hosts free consultations once a week to offer complimentary healthcare services at its clinics.
“We joined the Chamber for its long history of and reputation for supporting corporate promotion and business development,” Fung explained. “Chamber services and events provide us with valuable networking opportunities and insights into the business landscape.”
Company:Beijing Tong Ren Tang Fook Ming Tong Chinese Medical Center
HKGCC Membership No. :HKB0603