
Member Profile

Linking Professionals Around the World

As the world’s largest professional network with over 900 million members and offices in over 30 cities, LinkedIn strives to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful, as well as transform the ways companies hire, market and sell.

“Our vision is to create economic opportunities for every member of the global workforce,” said Mei Mei Ng, Head of Talent & Learning Solutions, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Providing diverse business solutions which cover hiring, corporate learning, marketing and sales, LinkedIn is a professional platform for people to enrich their career experience.

“We are different from other social media. On LinkedIn, people are not just creating content for the sake of entertainment. They also initiate conversations rooted in knowledge and insights that help others to move forward in their careers, as well as helping the economy to grow and become more globally competitive,” Ng explained.

LinkedIn has always worked hard to help maintain Hong Kong’s competitiveness. For instance, with talent shortage one of the city’s biggest issues, LinkedIn conducted several analyses to identify affected industries and the skills lost. Using the results, the company has partnered with the business community and clients to develop a skills-first hiring approach to fill the gap, along with training and development strategies to retain the existing workforce. To further assist individuals and companies to stay ahead of the game, LinkedIn also offers more than 20,000 courses through its comprehensive online platform LinkedIn Learning.

“By equipping business decision makers with data insights, we hope to channel the right resources to bridge the existing gap, and thus optimize business outcomes. Ultimately, we believe that the problem of talent shortage can be solved, and that Hong Kong will become more competitive and flourish,” Ng added.

Looking ahead, LinkedIn will continue to collaborate with the business community to put effort into skills-first hiring, as well as to integrate talent development with internal mobility. “This is one of the reasons we joined HKGCC. It provides a great platform for us to identify first-hand information from industry leaders, so that we would be able to adjust our plans in the Hong Kong market,” said Ng.


Company: LinkedIn Hong Kong Ltd

HKGCC Membership No.:HKL0578


Over the years, we have helped businesses overcome adversity and thrive locally, in Mainland China and internationally.

If you want to take advantage of our network,insights and services, contact us today.