“To me, there is no better way to transform myself than living in a new culture – by adapting new ways of thinking and behaving as well as new beliefs,” said Margaret Fung, Managing Director of TMF Hong Kong Ltd. “That’s why I enjoyed living in Mainland China and the United States – it allowed me to experience a bigger picture and a closely related but different culture.”
Fung was born in Hong Kong and educated in the U.S., where she graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and has also recently spent time in the Mainland.
“What I have learnt while living in Beijing and Shanghai in the last few years is a critical part of the 2.0 version of me,” Fung added.
Operating in more than 80 jurisdictions, TMF Group is a global provider of business services to help clients operate internationally. It helps its clients to “belong” wherever they are in the world, by making sure that they are properly set up to do business in any country, and compliant with local and international regulations.
Fung became Managing Director of TMF Hong Kong in early 2018. She hopes to contribute to the transformation of the city into the hub of Asia 2.0 by assisting Chinese inbound and outbound business through Hong Kong as a gateway. “We help businesses succeed, which in turn helps communities to prosper.”
Leading a global provider of professional services requires a clear vision and high adaptability, she said.
“The increasing business complexity nowadays means that a one-size approach doesn’t fit all, and the penalties for getting it wrong are getting heavier,” Fung explained. “We firmly believe that the only way to be truly ‘global’ is to put local first.”
This is one of the reasons why TMF Hong Kong joined the Chamber in 2009. “The Chamber is an excellent knowledge-sharing and support centre for businesses of all sizes. In particular, HKGCC acts as an advisor for business set-up in and outside Hong Kong,” she said.
Fung has given time to share her knowledge and experience with the younger generation – which has had benefits for her own career as well.
“I recently participated as a mentor in the Inno-preneurship Mentoring Scheme at the City University of Hong Kong,” Fung said. “Instead of solely passing on my insights to the millennials, I have also been inspired by them on new business approaches and insights.”
Company: TMF Hong Kong Ltd
HKGCC Membership No.: HKT0616
Established: 1994年
Website: www.tmf-group.com