The Hong Kong Shipowners Association Ltd (HKSOA) joined the Chamber in 2000 in order to work together to ensure that the shipping industry’s views were heard by Government on the various changes taking place at that time.
“The Chamber assists HKSOA and our members to present views to Government that are not only those of our Association, but also represent the views of the wider business community,” said Arthur Bowring. As the Managing Director of HKSOA, Bowring has a vast array of experience in the maritime industry including seafaring, naval architecture, ship superintendency, broking, chartering, ship management and marine insurance.
HKSOA was established in 1957 to create a forum for ship-owners, ship operators and ship managers, as well as the entire shipping industry in Hong Kong. Over the past 59 years, the association has grown into one of the world’s largest ship-owner associations.
Hong Kong has the world’s fourth-largest ship registry and is one of the world’s leading maritime centres. As such, HKSOA is focused on promoting and protecting the interests of its members as well as the companies providing maritime services. In this respect, HKSOA is probably closer to being a chamber of shipping than a ship-owners association. “Our work perhaps mirrors the work of the HKGCC but on an international level in being one of the leading voices in the global maritime debate,” Bowring said.
In order to formulate a closer relationship with Government and LegCo, Bowring has been serving on the Chamber’s Shipping and Transport Committee, where he can often listen to different views from other members in related industries.
Bowring added, “We always look for the best and most effective way to allow us to properly present our views to Government. The Chamber clearly assists us with this.” In addition, Bowring frequently attends the Chamber’s cocktail parties and seminars to meet other members and Consuls Generals.
Company: The Hong Kong
Shipowners Association Ltd
HKGCC Membership No.: HKH0521
Established: 1957