For Immediate Release
Agnes Chan, Senior Advisor, Chairman's Office, Greater China, Ernst & Young, and former Managing Partner of EY Hong Kong & Macao, has been elected Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) for the coming year, taking over from Betty Yuen, who retired from the chairmanship after serving for two one-year terms.
Chan said she was honoured to have been elected and pledged to work together with members, the business community and the Government to boost Hong Kong’s business environment and global competitiveness.
Speaking to the media after being elected, Chan said Hong Kong is slowly getting back to business as usual, but some local businesses are still finding it difficult due to weak overseas markets and geopolitical headwinds. However, as the world’s economic centre of gravity has shifted eastward, ASEAN and the Middle East have become new engines of growth, offering fresh markets and opportunities for Hong Kong businesses to explore.
Outgoing Betty Yuen, Non-executive Director, CLP Holdings Ltd, thanked members for their support and trust over the past two years. She said the Chamber had submitted constructive proposals to the Government during her two-year term to enhance Hong Kong’s competitiveness and help the business community explore new horizons.
The election was held at the inaugural meeting of the new General Committee immediately after the HKGCC’s Annual General Meeting on the evening of 10 May. Guy Bradley, Chairman, John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd, was elected as Deputy Chairman, while Victor Li, Chairman, CK Hutchison Holdings Ltd; and Douglas Woo, Chairman & Managing Director, Wheelock and Co Ltd; were re-elected as Vice Chairmen. Yu Pang Chun, Director and General Manager, Yue Hwa Chinese Products Emporium Ltd, was newly elected as Vice Chairman.
At the Annual General Meeting, members elected a total of six members to fill the seats on the General Committee – the governing body of the Chamber – who were required to step down this year. Three of them were re-elected, respectively: Allen Fung, Director, Sun Hung Kai Infrastructure Investment Ltd; Wilson Kwong, Director, Jardine Pacific Limited; and Sun Yu, Vice Chairman & Chief Executive, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd.
Jan Craps, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Chair, Budweiser Brewing Co APAC Ltd; Victor Lam, Managing Director, Active Works Co Ltd; and Steven Sieker, Partner & Chief Executive, Baker & McKenzie, were newly elected as General Committee Members.
Following is an updated list of the General Committee.
Chairman: Agnes Chan
Deputy Chairman: Guy Bradley
Vice Chairmen: Victor Li, Douglas Woo, Yu Pang Chun
LegCo Rep: Jeffrey K F Lam
General Committee: Jan Craps, Eric Fok, Allen Fung, Pansy Ho, Benjamin Hung, Jacob Kam, Wilson Kwong, Peter Lam, Victor Lam, David Liao, Eric Ma, Nikki Ng, Roy Ng, Neville Shroff, Steven Sieker, Sun Yu, Emil Yu, Edmond Yue, and Betty Yuen.
Photo captions:
Photo 1: The General Committee
Photo 2: Agnes Chan has been elected Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce.
Media inquiries: Please contact Chloe Lee at 2823-1297 /