2020/06/07 | 駱惠寧:決定了堅決做 宣布了確兌現 駱惠寧主任在座談會上指出,這次從國家層面為香港維護國家安全立法,遵循的原則是堅決維護國家安全、堅持和完善「一國兩制」制度體系、堅持依法治港、堅決反對外來干涉、切實保障香港居民合法權益。 |
2020/06/05 | Beijing reserves right to handle ‘rare’ cases involving Hong Kong’s new national security law Direct control expected to be utilised in ‘very, very few’ instances, according to Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office deputy director Deng Zhonghua |
2020/06/02 | 駱惠寧:國安立法是人心所向 中聯辦主任駱惠寧昨日出席香港各界「撐國安立法」簽名交接儀式。駱惠寧表示,僅8天時間,就有292萬多人到街站簽名、到網上聯署,充分彰顯了香港社會的正能量,充分說明就香港維護國家安全立法是人心所向、勢在必行。 |
2020/06/01 | 美國計劃取消香港特殊待遇 中國外交部:堅決反對 美國總統特朗普早前公布指,將會取消美國給予香港的特別待遇,以回應全國人大審議通過「港區國安法」的決定。中國外交部發言人趙立堅表示,美方領導人對中方的種種指責完全罔顧事實,所宣布的措施嚴重干涉中國內政,破壞中美關係,必將損人害己,中方對此堅決反對。 |
2020/06/01 | 崔天凱:外部勢力鼓吹港獨 訂立「國安法」刻不容緩 中國駐美大使崔天凱在美國傳媒發表署名文章,批評有人長期以來利用香港在國家安全上的不設防狀態,公然鼓吹港獨,煽動暴力,外部勢力愈來愈肆無忌憚插手搗亂,干預香港事務,令中國國家安全受到危害。 |
2020/05/28 | China adopts decision to make Hong Kong national security laws China is set to make Hong Kong national security laws as a related decision was adopted at the national legislature on Thursday. |
2020/05/28 | Highlights of China's decision on Hong Kong national security legislation The following are the highlights of the NPC decision on establishing and improving the legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security. |
2020/05/25 | Commissioner Xie Feng: national security legislation for Hong Kong is of greatest urgency, the Central Government has both power and obligation to safeguard national security, and the international community can rest assured On 25 May 2020, Commissioner Xie Feng briefed foreign consular corps, chambers of commerce, international organizations and media in Hong Kong on national security legislation for Hong Kong and took questions from the audience. |
2020/05/24 | Two sessions: national security law will not damage Hong Kong’s freedoms, Chinese foreign minister says Beijing’s national security law for Hong Kong will not damage the city’s autonomy or freedoms, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday, as protesters and police clashed on the streets of the former British colony over what many see as a crushing blow to its pro-democracy movement. |
2020/05/22 | Foreign Ministry Spokesperson's Remarks on the Hong Kong-related Agenda of the National People's Congress The spokesperson for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council and the spokesperson for the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) both issued statements on the draft decision to establish and improve a legal framework and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security in the HKSAR, which was submitted to the third session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) for deliberation. |