Massive US Tax Relief Act to Combat Economic Fallout From COVID-19
The U.S. Government signed into law a massive spending bill on the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. By some unofficial estimates, the CARES Act is expected to increase the federal deficit by approximately $2 trillion.
DetailsAnti-epidemic Fund
The Government will set up a $30 billion Anti-epidemic Fund to to strengthen the territorial-wide anti-epidemic work and will render support to the affected industries and employees.
DetailsUseful Resource Pages
Members share their expertise fellow members to help everyone get through this difficult time.
DetailsBenefitting from the Budget
In his Budget address, the Financial Secretary outlined a number of measures to help businesses during these difficult times. The Chamber has compiled a table of the initiatives for members to quickly and easily see how they can benefit. We hope you find the list useful.
DetailsFinancial Reporting Hot Topics: Coronavirus
KPMG discusses general financial reporting considerations as a result of the outbreak, with a specific focus on Hong Kong-listed issuers.