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影片已上載至《好僱主約章》2020網頁( ) 內「『友』『家』好僱主」 > 「相關的宣傳資料」頁面,歡迎大家到上述網頁瀏覽並分享影片的信息,攜手推動企業實施良好人事管理及家庭友善的僱傭政策。如有任何查詢,請致電3165 1664與勞工處職員聯絡。

Family-friendly Good Employer Sharing Video of Good Employer Charter 2020 of the Labour Department

In order to enhance enterprises’ knowledge of family-friendly employment policy and further their understanding in the implementation of relevant measures and related advantages, the Labour Department invited three Signatories of the Good Employer Charter 2020 to share their successful cases in promoting family friendly employment culture and produced the “Family-friendly Good Employer Sharing Video of Good Employer Charter 2020”. Dr LAW Chi-kwong, the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, also delivered a speech in the video.

To watch the video, please visit the webpage “Family-friendly Good Employer” > “Relevant Promotional Materials” of the website of the Good Employer Charter 2020 ( ). You are invited to share the message of the above video and join hands to promote good human resource management and family friendly employment policy among enterprises. Should you have any enquiry, please contact the staff of the Labour Department at 3165 1664.



影片已上载至《好雇主约章》2020网页( ) 内「『友』『家』好雇主」 > 「相关的宣传资料」页面,欢迎大家到上述网页浏览并分享影片的信息,携手推动企业实施良好人事管理及家庭友善的雇佣政策。如有任何查询,请致电3165 1664与劳工处职员联络。

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