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數碼港創業投資論壇 Cyberport Venture Capital Forum

Venue 地點: Function Rooms, Cyberport

Date 日期: 5-6 Nov 2019


數碼港年度旗艦活動 -「數碼港創業投資論壇」將於11月5-6日載譽歸來! 爲期兩日的論壇將以「科技創投新領域」為主題,探討創投界的熱門風投趨勢、剖析全球成功的投資個案,以及創投市場中創新科技的潛在機遇。我們的會員更可以優惠價HK$300及HK$400購買首日通行證及全票通行證 (兩天)參與這個區內備受矚目的盛事(正價分別為HK$800及HK$900)!立即報名參與這個連繫資金、創新科技、創業與發展的機會!

【Members Offer to Join Cyberport's Annual VC Forum - CVCF 2019!】

Cyberport’s annual premier venture forum, Cyberport Venture Capital Forum, is back on 5-6 Nov with the theme “New Frontier of Tech Venturing” to unveil the game-changing world of tech venturing, the global successes of smart investments, hot trends of venture capital markets in digital tech innovations and more.

Our members could join this signature venture conference of the region that connects capital, innovation, entrepreneurship and growth at a special discount of HK$300 (Day 1 Pass) & HK$400 (Combo Pass)!

Book NOW 報名連結:

Forum website 論壇詳情:

Enquiry 查詢: [email protected]

Date 2019/11/05 - 2019/11/06
Venue Function Rooms, Cyberport
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