Women Executives Club
Terms of Reference
WEC aims at strengthening the fellowship of female Chamber members through networking events and other activities, which will in turn enrich their personal and professional lives and benefit the Chamber as a whole.
WEC adds to the Chamber’s existing programme structure by providing more events of women’s interests; facilitating intellectual exchange of female participants; raising awareness of social and educational issues; and contributing to the community.
WEC is a club-structure group composed of female Chamber members only. WEC leaders are selected, on a voluntary basis, to lead the club, organize and run club programmes, and coordinate with project leaders and other volunteers on club projects, supported by the Chamber Secretariat.
Activities organized by WEC will be particularly designed for women, addressing their specific needs for information and leisure. Most events are also open to men, except for those programmes which are necessarily “women only.”
The nature of WEC programmes should be in keeping with the Chamber’s image and reputation. WEC programmes are basically operated on a self-financed or cost-recovery basis, supplemented by programme charges, fundraising and sponsorship.
I. WEC Executive Committee membership is by invitation.
II. WEC membership is restricted to Chamber member companies’ female employers and employees, and female individual associates. WEC membership is free of charge, subject to change with the Executive Committee’s decision.
WEC is led by an Executive Committee which will meet when necessary.
The Executive Committee oversees four interest areas:
• Business Issues
• Women’s Interests
• Community and Education
• Membership and Fellowship
Individual projects of the respective area are led by one of the WEC Committee member on a voluntary basis. Project leaders are in charge of an individual programme on an ad hoc basis, while helpers can be solicited from among WEC membership to provide secretarial and logistics support. WEC leadership may, from time to time, invite other WEC members to join Executive Committee meetings.
The duration of term for the Chairman and Vice Chairmen is one year, eligible for re-election at the end of the term. The Chairman should not serve longer than two years. In exceptional circumstances, with prior approval of Chamber CEO, the Chairman may serve a third consecutive year.
I. Executive Committee members have a duty to attend Committee meetings and to participate in activities initiated or endorsed by WEC. Committee members who fail to attend three consecutive Committee meetings may be invited to resign. Committee members who fail to attend six consecutive Committee meetings shall be deemed to have resigned.
II. WEC Club members are expected to participate in, time permitting, activities initiated / endorsed by WEC.