12 August 2024
Mr Tang Ping-keung, GBS, PDSM, JP Secretary for Security Security Bureau 10th Floor, East Wing, Central Government Offices 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar Hong Kong
Dear Chris,
Re: Security Bureau Consultation on the Proposed Legislative Framework to
Enhance Protection of the Computer Systems of Critical Infrastructure
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is pleased to put forward our views on the Government’s proposals to introduce new legislation to strengthen the security of the critical computer systems of critical infrastructure.
We recognize the importance of safeguarding the cybersecurity of Hong Kong’s essential services in maintaining the city’s stability and status as a leading international financial centre, and largely support the implementation of statutory requirements to achieve the foregoing goals. Given the business impact of the proposed law, we suggest that consideration be given to the introduction of balanced and proportionate legislation, which is principle and risk-based, technology-neutral and aligned with internationally-recognized standards, so as to promote stakeholder trust and support the city’s innovation & technology advancements. Further clarity on the scope and targets of regulation would also be welcomed to provide certainty for local and international enterprises.
We look forward to the opportunity of providing further input on the new legislation as the drafting progresses.
Yours sincerely,
Patrick Yeung
Proposed Legislative Framework to Enhance Protection of the Computer Systems of Critical Infrastructure (July 2024)
Submission by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (“HKGCC”)
HKGCC welcomes this opportunity to comment on the above proposal, as set out in the paper presented to the Legislative Council (LegCo) Panel on Security on 2 July 2024 (“the Paper”). Given the relatively short consultation period for the proposed legislation, this submission should not be regarded as an exhaustive or final list of our views. Instead, we have highlighted some salient points which we suggest that the Government consider when drafting the proposed legislation. We trust that the Government and LegCo will continue to consult, and consider comments from, Hong Kong businesses as the legislative process progresses, in particular regarding the drafting of the proposed legislation, subsidiary legislation (if any) and the Code of Practice.
Our main points are as follows (referring to the relevant paragraphs in the Paper).
Scope and Targets of Regulation
Obligations of the CIOs
Designated Authorities for Individual Sectors
Investigation Powers of the Commissioner’s Office
HKGCC Secretariat
August 2024