Hong Kong
WIC 2001
Services: The Driver for the Global Economy
Globalization & Liberalization - The China Market - The New Economy

Speeches (Under Construction)

Academic Forum: Services and Development

Plenary Session I: The Challenges of Globalization

Concurrent Breakout Sessions (I)

(1)  The GATS Negotiating Agenda

(2)  Servicing the China Market

(3)  Current Developments in E-Commerce and E-Business

(4)  Travel and Tourism

(5)  Film and Entertainment Services

Luncheon on 20 Sep 01

Plenary Session II: China Service Sectors in the Globalised Economy

Concurrent Breakout Session (II)

(6)  Development in Modern Distribution and Logistics

(7)  Financial Services, Insurance and Pension

(8)  Strategies for Promoting Services Trade and Investment

(9)  Telecommunications

(10)  Professional Services and Movement of People

Plenary Session III: Reporting Back Session

Plenary Session IV: The Challenges of the New Economy

Concluding Luncheon

Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries
The Service Policy Think Tank of
The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

22/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2529 9229   Fax: (852) 2527 9843
Email: [email protected]  Web page: