Greater Bay Area Articles


Mission to Shenzhen
Members get an update on technology developments and meet some of the city’s new generation of entrepreneurs

Delegation to Dongguan

Dongguan's Ever-changing Development
Members visited Dongguan, a key city in the Greater Bay Area


GBA in Action
The Greater Bay Area initiative is already having a visible impact as new industrial parks and transport networks help transform the GBA into a modern engine for growth, write Helen Sloan and Scarlet Qian

Greater Bay Area: An Update on Zhuhai

Greater Bay Area: An Update on Zhuhai
City's Deputy Mayor shared the latest developments on investment and business policies

Greater Bay Area population and economy data

Greater Bay Area: What Does It Mean for Hong Kong 
What is the Greater Bay Area (GBA), and what benefits will it bring for Hong Kong and the other cities in the Pear River Delta?

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