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Understanding President Xi Jinping’s 1 July Speech

Anthony Wu, Jeffrey Lam and Stanley Hui shared their insights on President Xi Jinping’s July 1 speech and what the speech means for Hong Kong, at a seminar on 2 September.  

The speakers explained that the speech can be seen as a clear policy statement for Hong Kong that will be carried out, and thus is of great significance for the city’s future development. Most notably, the President’s remarks reaffirmed the Central Government’s commitment to One Country Two Systems, and that there was no reason to change this successful policy.

Meanwhile, Hong Kong should take advantage of the opportunities created by the national strategies such as the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiatives. It was also noted that the President visit to the Science Park during his short trip demonstrated that technology and innovation will be one of the key industries for Hong Kong in the future.

The speakers also discussed members’ questions about border reopening and cultivating talent through education.


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