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Smart City Roundtable - Blueprint 2.0
Smart City Roundtable - Blueprint 2.0

At a brainstorming session on 12 December, a group of thought leaders, industry experts and academics shared their thoughts on the six major components of the Government’s Smart City Blueprint, which was released two years ago. The six themes are Smart Mobility, Smart Living, Smart Environment, Smart People, Smart Government and Smart Economy. Participants also presented their ideas and solutions on the way forward for Hong Kong in advancing its Smart City aspirations.

The recommendations raised in the course of the discussions will be distilled into an advisory paper for submission to the Government’s Smart City Blueprint 2.0, which is expected to be issued in the first quarter of 2020.

The event was co-organized by HKGCC, the Smart City Consortium and the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation, part of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

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