Next Normal Solutions for business continuity in the Post-COVID-19 society

Co-creating the brighter future through Social Value Creation

As COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, the impact on our daily lives and economies is truly on an unprecedented scale.

NECFrom now on, society as it was, its values and social behavior will need to change. A new set of values, Post-COVID-19 “Next Normal” permanent which we all need to accept and apply to workplace in some innovative ways, should be created so as to both protect employees and boost productivity.

"Together" is the key message from NEC as we take the "Next Normal" into perspectives and deliver new social values and solutions whilst working closely with our partners as it has been for the past 120 years.

As a social value-creating company, NEC has created Next Normal Solutions to support our customers in various ways, such as facilitating vaccine development using AI, enhancing their business continuity, and boosting information provision capability of the government and medical institutions to address this unprecedented situation.

In the face of this crisis, we remain true to our purpose, and contribute to the society through our activities to realize a more sustainable world even under the current climate.