
Grand Award – Smart FIT Station (FIT) / 冠軍 - 智能健身站

The Smart FIT Station aims to encourage the elderly to stay active while training their cognitive and physical abilities. The station includes a smart fitness device that lights up at random sequences for players to press and record their response time. Results will then be sent to the specially designed mobile application for analysis and generation of reports. The app can also suggest weekly and daily goals based on your past activity.

1st Runner Up – Smart Bus Boarding Solution / 亞軍 - 智能巴士站

Bus pass ups are often an issue for the elderly, physically disadvantaged and visually impaired. With the Smart Bus Boarding Solution, passengers can now notify bus drivers ahead of time that they plan to board by pressing the electronic set of buttons embedded at bus stops. It also includes a display panel that can inform riders when the bus is approaching.

2nd Runner Up – VisualGo – Mobile App for the Visually Impaired
季軍 - 睛明寶- 視障人士手機程式

VisualGo is a mobile application designed to make grocery trips easier for the visually impaired. By scanning the barcode, the app will be able to tell the product name, price and other information. It also includes latest occurring in their neighbourhood as well as pandemic related news.

More details about other projects can be found via this link